Listed below are upcoming, current or recent grant opportunities. Please check this page frequently for updates.
- Community Engagement & Community Outreach Grants
Community Engagement and Outreach grants provide community partners with an opportunity to seek funding for existing programs, advocacy efforts or events that support children and families in Miami-Dade County as well as the mission and values of The Children's Trust.
Operational Investments
Please visit the Procurement page for operational investment solicitations.
Other Resources
Candid is a nonprofit organization, combined from Foundation Center and GuideStar, that provides the most comprehensive data, analysis, and tools needed to track and understand the millions of dollars given to and used by nonprofits around the world.
The Children’s Trust, as a Candid Community Partner, funds three data systems at every Miami-Dade County Library System branch library through their WiFi network during library open hours. For instructions on how to access the systems, click here.
Find nonprofits on GuideStar
- Research local nonprofits where you can donate, work, or volunteer.
- Seek out resources, such as food banks or shelters.
Achieve fundraising goals with Foundation Directory
- Build a robust funder prospect list.
- Connect with key decision makers.
Reduce student debt with Grants to Individuals
- Access information on scholarships, fellowships, and student aid.
Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all federal grant-making agencies, and encompasses over 900 grant programs offered by the twenty six Federal grant-making agencies. It streamlines the process of awarding over $350 billion annually to state and local governments, academia, not-for-profits, and other organizations.
Miami-Dade County
An extensive directory of current grant opportunities from a variety of local, state and national sources.
National Council of Nonprofits, Nonprofit Economic Vitality Center
This resource was developed to help nonprofits better understanding the current economic climate and assist in accessing strategies to help navigate the economy so that nonprofits can provide community services more effectively.
Be sure to visit the Helpful Links page to find additional resources for organizational management.